Mehmet Emre Yorulmaz

Professional Software Engineer / Başkent University Graduate / Ankara Turkey

About Me

Hi there, I'm Emre, a computer engineering graduate based in Ankara, Turkey. I've been in the tech industry since 2018, starting at a Turkish defense startup. Since then, I've held positions in various companies, providing a wide range of services.

I'm a skilled web developer, balanced in both frontend and backend development. I can quickly build out new pages in React and APIs in Node.js, NestJS, and even Go or .NET. Besides web development, I also have experience in desktop application development with C++ and Qt. Additionally, I'm an experienced game developer, having contributed to the development of Firestorm and Renegade X by Totem Arts.

With over five years in the industry, I'm well-versed in working within agile environments, both remotely and onsite. I can work independently when needed and have had the privilege of leading and mentoring others. As a native-level speaker of both English and Turkish, I can communicate effectively in international teams.

I've always worked on personal projects as I love the watching my ideas grow into something real. I have a vareity of projects different fields and am always looking for more oppertunities to grow as a developer.

Currently I'm working in contractor positions around the world primarily in the EU and US operating as a sole proprietorship from Ankara, Turkey. I'm always on the lookout for new challenges.

if you feel like you I'd make a good fit for your team feel free to get in touch.


Programming Languages

  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Javascript/Typescript
  • C#
  • GO

Web Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Semantic UI
  • JQuery
  • Node Js
  • ExpressJS
  • React
  • NestJs
  • Redux
  • Jest
  • Vitest
  • .NET 6


  • SQLite
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB

Cloud Platforms

  • GCP
  • AWS

Desktop Application Development

  • QT
  • GTest
  • Cmake

Game Engines

  • Unreal Engine 3 4 5
  • Torque 2D
  • Unity
  • GameLooper

Version Control

  • GIT
  • Tortoise SVN


  • Docker
  • RabbitMQ





A multiplayer fps made by the video game development group Totem Arts


  • • Participated in development and maintenance of core gameplay systems for the Unreal Engine 3 project Firestorm
  • • Refactored multiple gameplay systems to streamline their use with feedback from playtesters
  • • Developed anti-ddos software to protect dedicated game server instances with NodeJS, using the windows firewall api to dynamically create and remove rules according to the needs of the server instance.
  • • Developed UI with Adobe flash CS6 and Scaleform, using actionscript to control UI flow.
  • • Designed and developed an unrealscript UI framework from scratch, taking the canvas UI as a base. Creating buttons with multiple states, text lines that can be aligned both vertically and horizontally with dropshadows, with the option to use material instances as backgrounds or just effects.
  • • Project is still in development
Game Statisic Registry Service

Game Statisic Registry Service

A full stack web application that can be retrofitted quickly to record stats for any video game sessions during or at the end of the game session. With a lightweight backend in Golang and a frontend in react. With multiple drivers for different databases. This project aims to be an open source alternative to professional game statistics and analytics tracking.

Soul Pumpkin

Soul Pumpkin

Singleplayer Boomer shooter made for the GODOT WILD JAM gamejam within a week


  • • Created entire game within a week
  • • Created Code, meshes, textures and levels with relevant tools
  • • Built game using gdscript specific design patterns that allows for reusability in future projects
Renegade X

Renegade X

A multiplayer Remake of the third person shooter Renegade By EA games, made by Totem Arts


  • • Fixed several bugs relating to multiplayer replication
  • • Created UI components with Autodesk Scaleform and Flash
  • • Created a reactive Autobalancing mechanism that reacts to changes in playercount score and great actions during gameplay sessions
  • • Finalized several incomplete features such as the incomplete UI, incomplete code features and etc
Guardian Whitelist

Guardian Whitelist

A nodejs app that dynamically sets windows firewall rules to enable and disable incoming udp requests from specific IP's, made to be used as plugin solution for DDOS defence. Currently in use by multiple games


  • • Client requested a solution to issues with DDOS attacks that could be quickly put into play without large scale modifications.
  • • Created a whitelist application that accepts requests from game sessions with relevant keys to authenticate.
  • • Allowed Authenticated clients to pass along UDP packets of data to game sessions by enabling and disabling windows firewall rules through its api.
  • • Obfuscated real ip of servers by placing whitelist between the server and the clients
  • • Currently in use by multiple game projects
  • • Code not public for security reasons

Spriter: The Reference Image tool

A full stack web application made with React and Node js, spriter aims to help its users look for and categorize reference images with ease.

Github Project
Audio Spectrum Visualizer

Audio Spectrum

A visualizer made with the python library that takes a audio input and converts it to a visual spectrum

Github Project


A fullstack trello clone .NETCORE application

Github Project
Mesh slicer

Mesh Slicer

A simple Implementation of the ezy slice library in the form of a Unity mobile game that allows the user to slice through various 3d objects.

Unity Project
Killer Rabbit

Killer Rabbit: Revived

Killer Rabbit is a top down action game where the player must help Steve the Rabbit through his intergalactic journey. Initially built in one week on the Gamelooper engine, Killer Rabbit: Revived is the GODOT version of the same game with a bit more polish.

Google Playstore

Quizard: The Quiz Wizard

Quizard is an Android app that lets you create, take and share quizes with ease. It also features local multiplayer so users can compete with their friends.

Google Playstore
Colony / Swarm Optimization Algorithm Applications

Final Project: Colony / Swarm Optimization Algorithm Applications

This project presents and examines four different heuristic algorithms, applies them on four different problems, compares the results and also includes extensive performance testing to compare each algorithm against the others.

Article (Only Available in Turkish) Matlab Implementation


Feel Free To Get In Touch

Email :

Phone : +90 507 981 37 90